
Hogar> Blog > Fabricante de moldes de plástico: diferentes técnicas de moldeo 

Fabricante de moldes de plástico: diferentes técnicas de moldeo 

2020-07-02 hqt

Fabricante de moldes de plástico: los tipos de moldes de plástico

La razón más obvia para acudir a un fabricante de moldes para matrices de plástico es; necesita un producto o pieza de plástico personalizado. Hay diferentes formas de moldear un plástico, cada una con sus ventajas y desventajas.

Si tiene un conocimiento básico de las diferentes técnicas de moldeo de plástico, podrá elegir la adecuada para su producto. Antes de analizar eso, debe tener el diseño de su pieza o componente intacto.

Here are the top 10 designing tips that will help you create effective and efficient products.

Now that your design is ready, let us move onto the phase of choosing the right moulding technique. In this blog post, we are going to talk about different plastic moulding techniques.

Plastic Die Mould Manufacturer

Plastic Die Mould Manufacturer Offers the Following Moulding Techniques

There are several plastic moulding techniques however, the most popular ones are listed below.

  • Moldeo por compresión
  • Molduras de soplado
  • Injection Moulding
  • Rotational Moulding

We will be covering these techniques, their uses, and advantages.


Rotational Moulding

If your objective is to produce large hollow parts, we recommend using the Rotational Moulding technique. Manufacturers also refer to this technique as the rotomolding technique. It involves placing either liquid or powder into a metal mold.

After sealing the mold, place it in the oven and rotate it until the resin insides melt it. The constant rotation of the mold would create the centrifugal force, thus resulting in even-walled products. Wait for the mold to cool down, then remove the plastic.

It would be in the desired shape. The great thing about rotational moulding is that very little material is wasted. It is possible to reuse the excess material, thus making the process environmentally friendly and economical.

Rotational Molding: Common Use

Rotational molding is useful for creating hollow plastic products like storage tanks, bulk containers, car parts, pet houses, marine buoys, recycling bins, playground slides, kayak hulls, and road cones, etc.

Cost-Effective and Highly Customizable

With rotational moulding it is possible to alter the mold to a great extent. The mold flexibility facilitates the moulding a wide range of products. It is possible to include contours, curves, inserts as well as slots and logs for both metal and plastic moulding.

Rotational moulding is inexpensive in comparison to the blow molds. The reason being, rotation moulding requires lower starts up costs. It is highly effective and cost-efficient if you plan to produce limited numbers of parts of components.

Rotational molding would be cost-effective even if you want to produce as low as 25 parts.

Best Use of Rotational Moulding

The moulding technique is effective and cheap if you want to manufacturer a smaller number of parts. It works best for producing 25 to 1000 parts every year. The size of the parts can be medium or large. Of course, you can produce small parts as well.

However, the technique yields the best results for large or medium size parts.

Productos Comunes

  • Marine Bouys and Kayaks
  • Car Parts
  • Road Cones
  • Storage Bins or Recycling Bins
  • Utility Carts


Injection Molding

Another effective and hugely popular plastic moulding technique is injection moulding. A plastic die mould manufacturer would insert a molten plastic into a metal mould while using high pressure. Like all other forms of plastic moulding, you would have to wait for the mould to cool down before you take the plastic part out.

Once the mould is cooled, the molten plastic inside is also cooled down, thus forming the desired shape. This process is similar to that of the Jello Mould. The Jello process requires filling and then cooling for the product to take the shape.

Injection Molding Common Uses

Injection Moulding is highly effective for mass production of custom plastic parts. It is even useful for creating car parts as there are big size injection moulding machines available for this particular purpose. Likewise, there are smaller machines that can produce precise, and robust surgical applications.

Injection moulding offers flexibility for engineers and designers as it offers material versatility. Unlike most plastic moulding techniques, injection mould allows a wide of materials.

Aunque, el moldeo por inyección ofrece versatilidad, pero tenga en cuenta que los moldes de aluminio o taburetes son caros. El costo inicial de estos moldes es alto. Por lo tanto, se recomienda utilizar moldeo por inyección para la producción en masa.

Además, con el moldeo por inyección, el tiempo de producción es más largo. Se requieren alrededor de 6 a 12 semanas para que el molde esté listo y luego 4 semanas adicionales para el proceso de fabricación.

Mejor uso del moldeo por inyección

El moldeo por inyección es una técnica de moldeo muy eficaz, especialmente cuando se necesita una producción en masa. Sería rentable si desea alrededor de 30.000 piezas por año.

Productos Comunes

  • Tapas de botellas de plástico
  • Dispositivos médicos
  • Interruptores eléctricos
  • Parachoques
  • Paneles automáticos

Plastic Die Mould Manufacturer in china

Molduras de soplado

For thin-walled, hallow custom plastic parts, a plastic die mould manufacturer would recommend blow moulding. This technique is effective for parts where maintaining the shape is imperative. Therefore, it ensures a uniform thickness of the product wall.

The process has the same concept as that of the glass blowing. The technique involves heating the plastic and then blowing hot air up the plastic like a balloon. You blow the plastic in the mould, it takes the shape as it goes on.

Once the plastic balloon fills the mould, you need to wait for it to cool down. After it is being cooled, eject the plastic. It would be in the desired shape. The process is fast and reliable. On average, one cycle takes around 2 minutes.

Manufacturers can generate around 1440 pieces in 12 hours.

Blow Moulding Common Use

La técnica es muy eficaz para crear depósitos de combustible, bidones de plástico o botellas. Si quieres alrededor de cien mil botellas de plástico, te recomendamos esta técnica en particular. La técnica no solo es rápida sino también económica.

Le costaría menos en comparación con la técnica de moldeo por inyección. Sin embargo, es más caro si se compara con la técnica de rotomoldeo.

Mejores usos del moldeo por soplado

Es muy eficaz para producir productos sagrados con paredes delgadas. El tamaño de la pieza debe oscilar entre pequeño y mediano y necesita miles de piezas cada año.

Productos Comunes

  • Regaderas
  • Tambores de tráfico
  • Conos de tráfico
  • Tanques de combustible
  • Tambores de plastico
  • Botellas

Moldeo por compresión

The same is self- explanatory. In compression moulding, the manufacturers heat a plastic material and then place it into the hot mold. They would then press the material for it to take the desired shape. In most cases, the plastic is in the form of sheets.

However, it is possible to have bulk plastic. The compression process ensures that the plastic takes the required shape, while the heating process allows the part to retain maximum strength. After this, you would have to wait for them to cool down, trim it and finally remove the part from the mold.

Compression Moulding Common Uses

The effective use of compression moulding is replacing the plastic parts with the metal ones. Most plastic die mould manufacturer use it for small parts required in high volume. The technique is extremely common in the automobile industry.

El motivo es que asegura la robustez del producto final. Hay varios factores que contribuyen al costo inicial del moldeo por compresión, como el tamaño de la pieza, el número de cavidades, el complejo de la pieza y el acabado de la superficie.

El proceso se vuelve extremadamente rentable si realiza una producción en masa.

Mejores usos del moldeo por compresión

Si necesita componentes pequeños o piezas muy duraderas. Para que el proceso sea rentable, debe producirlo en un número elevado.

Productos Comunes

  • Pequeñas piezas de automóvil
  • Spoilers
  • Primicias
  • Guardabarros
  • Campanas
  • Piezas de automóviles

¿Por qué elegirnos como su fabricante de moldes de plástico?

Tener conocimientos básicos sobre diferentes técnicas de moldeo lo ayudaría a tomar una mejor decisión, especialmente para sus piezas o componentes de plástico personalizados.

Si está buscando un Fabricante de moldes de plástico  con nosotros hoy mismo. Como llevamos varios años sirviendo en la industria, nuestra amplia experiencia nos permite entregar productos de alta calidad.

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