
Rumah> Blog > Produsen Cetakan Plastik ABS: Apa yang Dapat Dibentuk dengan Plastik ABS

Produsen Cetakan Plastik ABS: Apa yang Dapat Dibentuk dengan Plastik ABS

2020-07-02 hqt

Apa yang bisa dibentuk oleh Produsen Cetakan Plastik ABS dari Plastik ABS?

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)  adalah salah satu jenis polimer termoplastik paling umum yang digunakan produsen cetakan plastik ABS di seluruh dunia untuk berbagai aplikasi komersial, domestik, dan industri.

ABS plastic offers a number of benefits, thus making it the first choice for moulding purpose. What more is that the plastic comes with robustness and outstanding quality. Its attributes further enhance its appeal. With ABS, it is possible to create almost any sort of design and shape.

In this blog post, we are going to talk about the different applications of ABS plastic. We will shed light on what the manufacturers can mold using one of the best plastic types. So, without any further delay lets us get started!

ABS Plastic Molding Manufacturers in china

ABS Plastic Moulding Manufacturers: Molding ABS


If you think that ABS is a new form of plastic, you need to revisit the plastic industries’ history. You can trackback the history of ABS to the 1940s. At that time, it was popular among the manufacturers to use styrene-acrylonitrile copolymers.

Material tersebut dapat meningkatkan kekerasan pada styrene, namun sangat cocok untuk sejumlah aplikasi. Bahkan sekarang, bahan ini memiliki beberapa keterbatasan mekanik dan fisik. Keterbatasan ini akan membuat material tidak berguna sampai menghasilkan butadiene, monomer, dan ABS.

ABS muncul pada tahun 1950, dan sejak itu menjadi sukses besar. Produsen cetakan di seluruh dunia menggunakan berbagai macam komponen dan suku cadang. Ini adalah polimer teknik yang paling dicari.

Ada tiga komponen individu utama plastik ABS. Kombinasi karakteristik unik ini berkontribusi pada efektivitas dan efisiensi produk secara keseluruhan. Mereka sangat meningkatkan kualitas ABS.

Tiga komponen: Acrylonitrile, Butadiene, dan Styrene menjadikan plastik ABS yang terbaik.


Komponen ini bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan ketahanan termal dan kimia.


Kekuatan plastik ABS datang untuk membentuk komponen khusus ini. Itu membuatnya kuat dan kokoh.


Ini menambah rasa estetika dari produk akhir. Hasil akhir yang mengilap dari produk akhir adalah karena adanya styrene.

Sifat Plastik ABS

Sifat termoplastik ABS adalah salah satu karakteristiknya yang paling menentukan. Abs termoplastik adalah polimer. Polimer ini cenderung meleleh setelah suhu tertentu. Mereka menjadi lentur dan lembut. Begitu Anda memberi mereka waktu untuk mendingin, mereka akan mengeras kembali.

Thus, it is possible to re-melt and re-mold the thermoplastics as many times as you like, with little to no degradation to its mechanical properties. This is something manufacturers are looking for today. After all, every industry needs to go green in every possible way.

You would not acquire the same result using the thermoset plastic. In this case, when you heat the plastic it burns. Due to its ability to take be reshaped, it is popular among injection moulding manufacturers.

Physical and Mechanical Properties

ABS comes with a number of desirable mechanical as well as physical properties. Most of these properties are superior to several other popular polymer materials. Some of these properties include hardness, toughness, chemical resistance, heat resistance, impact resistance, tensile strength, and abrasion resistance.

It is also possible to improve specific properties of ABS via adjusting its chemical composition. Thus, allowing you to gain access to different grades of material that are suitable for different applications.

Some other exceptional properties of this amazing material include

  • Receptive to adhesives
  • Receptive to paints
  • Lustrous aesthetic qualities
  • Excellent machinability
  • Rigidity
  • Compressive strength
  • Electrical insulation
  • Dimensional stability

Injection Parameter for ABS Product

Plasticizing Temperature

ABS resin temperature range from 180 to 280°C. The exact temperature is defined by the type of raw materials that the manufacturer uses in the product. For certain application, adjustment is imperative. For instance, in the case of heated resin, the manufacturer would have to use a higher temperature.

Namun, untuk resin serba guna, suhunya harus lebih rendah. Penting untuk mengontrol dan mempertahankan suhu yang berbeda selama proses pencetakan injeksi ABS. Misalnya, suhu harus antara 180 hingga 230 ° C untuk aplikasi barel. Ini harus berkisar antara 190 hingga 220 ° C untuk nosel. Namun, dalam kasus resin aliran tinggi, suhu nosel akan antara 170 hingga 180 ° C.

Produsen Cetakan Plastik ABS - Tekanan Injeksi Mesin Cetak

Dalam kebanyakan kasus, pabrikan menggunakan tekanan injeksi antara 60 hingga 150 MPa untuk peleburan resin ABS. Dalam hal produk cetakan injeksi membutuhkan dinding yang tebal dan memiliki ukuran pintu gerbang yang besar, maka tekanan injeksi dapat bervariasi antara 70-100 MPa.

Likewise, when there is a longer melt flow, the injection-molded product is small and the manufacturer is using heat-resistant resin, then the injection moulding machine requires a pressure of 120 to 150 MPa.

You also need to take care of the hold pressure of the injection moulding machine. In most cases, the holding pressure of the machine is between 60 to 70 MPa. This pressure is for products that have small internal stress. In most cases, melt injection speed is usually low or medium paces.

NOTE: The Resin type has a great impact on all aspects of the injection moulding speed.

Mold Temperature

Controlling the temperature of the ABS mold is also imperative to ensure accurate and high-quality parts or components. In most cases, the coal body forming a mold of ABS is controlled within a temperature range of 40 to 80°C.

NOTE: When you use high mold temperature, it would lead to smaller internal stress of the product, better melt filling quality, and good product appearance.

Although, high-temperature molds are effective, but there needs to be an upper bound. If the ABS plastic molding manufacturers increase the mold temperature beyond the upper limit it would result in shrinkage of the product.

In addition, this product would easily be deformed once you demold it. Furthermore, the manufacturing cycle time of the product increases, thus resulting in additional energy and money. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the die moulding temperature for an ABS product is within range.

In general, the manufacturer keeps the temperature between 40 to 60°C.

ABS Plastic Moulding Manufacturers – Applications/ Industries

Due to the machinability of relatively low cost and exceptional properties, ABS is the perfect material for a number of applications. The use of ABS is so widespread, that you would be interacting with one, without knowing about it.

Everything from cell phone housings, radio, toolboxes, furniture, power tools, kitchen appliances, and luggage, as well as the reproduction of prototypes, is possible due to this powerful material. Its receptiveness to paints, dimensional stability, and adhesives make it an excellent choice.

The use of ABS is not limited to domestic and home products. On the contrary, several industries use it every day. Below, we have listed some of these industries.

Food Industry

FDA approves of ABS for food contact application including food packaging and appliances. Therefore, making it the prime choice of people in the food industry as well as the packaging world.


ABS parts are found both on the exterior as well as the interior of the areophane. They are part of different types of aircraft. A common example of these components includes cockpit visors, signage, seating parts, cargo containers, and the luggage bins.


The automotive industry is incorporating ABS into their cars to make them lightweight. At the same time, ABS is effective for improving fuel efficiency. Some of the common ABS automotive components include body parts, wheel covers, dashboards, and trimmings.

ABS Plastic Molding Manufacturers

Pharmaceutical and Medical

Since the medical grades of ABS have improved biocompatibility, therefore, they are excellent for medicine administering devices as well as for food. You will also find ABS an important material for the manufacturing of housing and cases of numerous medical devices.


ABS is extremely common for creating children’s toys as it has a durable nature and is non-toxic. For instance, it is used for creating action figures, Legos, or tricycles among others.

In addition, ABS plastics are common for 3D printing as well.
