
Додому> Блог> Важливі поради щодо проектування виробника деталей для лиття пластмас під тиском

Важливі поради щодо проектування виробника деталей для лиття пластмас під тиском

2020-04-10 га

10 найкращих порад щодо проектування виробника деталей для інжекційних пластиків

Як виробник деталей для впорскування пластикових матеріалів, вам доведеться зосередитись на дизайні деталей та деталей. Зрештою, дизайн відіграє життєво важливу роль у визначенні успіху деталей. Правильний дизайн з правильним виконанням призведе до правильних результатів.

A wrong design with the right execution is bound to be a disaster. Therefore, manufacturers around the globe tend to pay close heed to the design factor. They need to understand the consumer’s requirements, analyze their capacity and then finalize a design.

Your design majorly depends on the consumer’s requirement. However, certain factors would ensure the right design. In the course of this article, we are going to talk about the top 10 designing tips.

plastic injection parts manufacturer

Top Ten Designing Tips

Injection-molded components offer several benefits including scalability, uniformity, mass production and much more. With injection molding, you can effortlessly design complex parts and produce them in volume without any problem.

To ensure repeatability, you need to follow the designing tips below.

Constant Wall Thickness

Що стосується однорідності, немає кращого способу її досягнення, ніж забезпечення постійної товщини стінки порожнини форми. Це гарантувало б, що компонент забезпечує найкращий потік. Хороший розмір стіни становить близько 2-3 мм.

Для звичайного лиття, як правило, ми рекомендуємо використовувати максимум 4 мм і мінімум 1 мм товщини стінки

Кут тяги - виробник деталей для впорскування пластику

Ви можете бути здивовані, дізнавшись про переваги кута нахилу. додаючи кут тяги до граней вашої деталі, інструменти швидко звільняють її. Однак майте на увазі, що тяготі ангели справді викликають труднощі в дизайні.

Manufacturers that are in for mating parts would have a serious problem with the draft angle. So, to make the best out of draft angle for textured cavity surfaces use a minimum of 3 degrees. In the case of the untextured core, we recommend at least 1 degree of draft angles.

Smooth Trumps Sharp

Another important tip is to avoid a sharp transition between walls sections at all costs. When there isn’t any sharp transition, it would lead to problems in the final product. In addition, it is a good idea to use radii wherever you think it is possible.

Zero Draft Surface

Хороша техніка - уникати нульових поверхонь протягів. Використовуйте їх лише тоді, коли це необхідно. Якщо ви можете забезпечити допуски та належне сполучення деталей, не використовуючи область нульової тяги, вам не слід її використовувати. Крім того, переконайтеся, що ви мінімізуєте його використання на певній ділянці обличчя, а не на всій поверхні.

Товстий до тонкого переходу

Щоб забезпечити якість деталей, слід переконатись, що пластмаса протікає через елементи, що рухаються від товстіших до товстіших стін. Отже, все це повинно починатися прямо з воріт.

Мийка - виробник деталей для впорскування пластику

Коли товщі ділянки деталей мають тенденцію повільно охолоджуватися порівняно з більш тонкими ділянками, це призводить до локальної депресії. За допомогою правильного дизайну ви можете уникнути цієї конкретної проблеми. Правильно керуючись правилами, ви зможете прибрати видимість плям на косметичних поверхнях.

Below, we did list some important pointers.

  • Avoid screw bosses, ribs and gates at the backside of cosmetic surfaces. This will enhance their lifespan.
  • Ensure that the rib height is less than the wall thickness. You can even make it 3x.
  • The base of the ribs should be either 60% or less of the wall’s thickness.


Sometimes simplicity is the key to having high-quality and robust parts. As a виробник деталей для лиття пластмас, you should avoid undercuts. In case, you want more than simple, allow slides and lifters to form features that are undercut.

In this case, you need to leave around two to three times the width of the feature. This would allow the slide or the lifter to smoothly travel.

Note: Undercuts are the arrears that manufacturers are unable to make using the tool’s simple open and shut directions.

plastic injection parts manufacturers

Use Datums

Using datums enhances the readability and understanding of the design. In case, you are wondering what are datums? They are the reference points that define every part. With datums, you can establish part interaction and interface to the entire system.

Using the right datum system would ensure the success of the product in terms of functionality. In addition, you should make sure that design’s intent of assembly is in correspondent to the datum structure.


Plastic injection manufacturers often use custom 3D printing services for reliable and efficient parts. After all, prototyping methods cut down design to market time. With prototyping, it is possible to test the design concepts at an early stage.

Thus, the manufacturer can mold a part or its respective component before getting down to building expensive tools.

Design for Manufacturing Reports

Never, and we repeat, never underestimate the Design for Manufacturing reports. You should never take these reports lightly. With these reports, you can learn about the tool molder’s understanding of the design.

It will provide you information like the ejector pin locations, parting line location, gate location among others. DFM reports allow you to efficiently, interrogate the design.

Advance Designing Tips

Here, we have listed the advance designing tips.

Tool-bound Features

Features you create by the same piece of mold tend to have a tighter relative position tolerance. Examples of these features include slide, core, cavity, etc. Similarly, features that are created using different mold parts have less position tolerance.

Molded-In Texture

It is possible to mold the visible surfaces via innate textures. Among the major advantages of textured parts, we have hiding sinks, fingerprints, etc.  Although, t molded-in texture offers great benefits, at the same time they require a more draft angle.

Ultrasonic Welding

The modern technique allows pressing 2 compatible parts into contact. It also ensures that these parts are supported in a tooled fixture.  The key to remember here is that you have to design the parts for ultrasonic welding.

Also, ensure that the parts have a singular welding plan. In addition, one of the parts needs to have teh energy directors. These directors will help with the welding. To form contacts, the part without the energy directors would be excited using ultrasonic vibrations.

These vibrations would help to locally, fuse the part with the other part. With the help of these ultrasonic welding, it is possible to create weatherproof bonded assemblies and that too at a low cost. However, plastic injection parts manufacturer needs to know that some resins bound better in comparison to others.

Pass Cores

Pass cores are an effective way to create a hole in your part. They are basically parts of the molds. One side of the mold passes via part’s piece, and the opposite side is shut off. This makes it possible for the manufacturer to make overhangs.

Experienced designers can play around with pass cores to come up with unique and amazing parts. They can create complex features including shaft’s bores.

Family Molds

When you shoot two or more parts in the same mold, you name the process as family molds.  Family molds are effective and affordable especially when you are molding a small number of parts having similar volume and using the same material.

However, you need to ensure that all the parts fill properly. For this reason, you would have to perform a good mold-flow analysis.

Select Resin via molder

Ever resin has its unique characteristics. Their additives for changing things like UL fire rating, UV exposure, colors, impact properties, etc. would need some special attention. We recommend that you trust the molder with this decision.

Give them a list of characteristics of very resin, along with your requirements and let them help you choose the best resin for your parts.

Final Word – plastic injection parts manufacturer

Проектування є обов’язковим для будь-якого успішного виробник деталей для лиття пластмас. При правильному дизайні вони зможуть розробляти точні, надійні та надійні продукти. Тому радимо дотримуватися цих порад, щоб забезпечити точність та якість конструкції.

Якщо ми можемо допомогти вам з вашим проектом, зателефонуйте нам за номером 0086-769-82821468 або напишіть на email sales@kaitomould.com.
